Staff Profile – 09/29/23
This week, our staff profile features Ms. Willett. Ms. Willett is an English teacher in upstairs west!
This week, our staff profile features Ms. Willett. Ms. Willett is an English teacher in upstairs west!
This week Sports Corner host Dalton Mathews brings updates about all the Centerville fall sports seasons. Tune in!
This week on the black & gold poll, Brynn and Andrew asked the students at CHS if they ate food past the “best by” date.
On this week’s In-Depth, Senior Evan Gross interviews social studies teacher Mike Dalton. Mr. Dalton is also the girls’ varsity golf coach -they take a look back over their season
This week on Current Events, Sachin and Faith talk about all the activities and clubs going on at Centerville High School.