In – Depth 4/26/24
This week, Evan interviews Mrs. Buck to learn more about the upcoming blue ribbon ceremony. Tune in!
This week, Evan interviews Mrs. Buck to learn more about the upcoming blue ribbon ceremony. Tune in!
This week on the in depth, Faith interviews Mr. Rodgers on his teaching & his Excellence in Education Award!
This week on the Staff Profile, Sam interviewed Mrs. Schluter to learn a little more about her.
This week on the In-Depth, Lindy interviewed Madame Dailey to get more information on the France Trip.
This week on current events, Faith and Sachin talk about the upcoming elk connector opportunity, the Sinclair appointments for seniors, blue ribbon ceremony for ROTC or military academy’s seniors, and
This week on current events, Faith and Sachin talk about the upcoming Sinclair College tour, a recap of Orchestra’s competition this past weekend, yearbook sales, and more!
This week on the In – Depth, Sterling interviews Mr. Irwin to learn more about groundhogs in commemoration of groundhog day. Tune in!
This week, Sam and Evan update CHS on the latest sports tryouts, club meetings, school news, and a little bit about Punxsutawney Phil. Tune in!
Sam Luckett interviewed Mrs. Bosscher, an English teacher in the East Unit, to learn a little bit more about her.
This week on Sports Corner co-hosts Aidan Thompson and Dalton Mathews speak on this years winter sports with a feature of Faith Dunn on this years bowling teams. Tune in!